Real talk, I know I get on the nerves of the guys at Seeking Safety. But they never show it, they love on me like I was their real brother regardless of how many times I call or visit. I never thought about getting an education and graduating college but now I am thinking about it. I have a job and have not sold drugs in three months. I owe this all to the Seeking Safety team.
Read MoreMy therapist is very helpful and generous to our daughter. The therapist smiles and shows an interest. With my substance abuse, Family Outreach Center has been a major influence in my recovery. If I keep a positive attitude, things will get better.
Read MoreHere are some things I learned about myself talking to my therapist today: I’m worth getting better. I’m not an angry person. I’m headed in the right direction.
Read MoreThe support has helped me in ways you can’t imagine. I don’t know where I’d be, if even alive, if it wasn’t for my Recovery Coach and Therapist.
Read MoreI stay in services because I know it allows my kids to come to Project CHILL. I have seen a complete change in attitudes in both my son and my daughter. I can see them thinking through responses and not being so quick to hit and or yell when they are angry. I don’t know what they do at CHILL, but it’s working for my kids.
Read MoreI really like my therapist and all the fun therapy activities we did. She helped me learn the tools I need to better myself.
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